My Brother, I have been there. My Father went through it, I went through it several times and I am here to tell you right now - you can do this. I am so sorry this is happening to you; keep paddling to stay afloat, and never surrender to despair.

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Thànk you :-)

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I will spread the word. And buy some books.

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You are most kind. Much appreciated!

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Re: Holly’s recommendation: “A good report makes the bones fat.” (Mish’le)

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Yes, the reference is deliberate.

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Just read your article about economics. It’s pure genius. I finally get it, more or less. You articulated in plain language why so many of us feel ripped off. Basically, societies are divided into two groups…producers and parasites. Government workers and politicians and, often, lawyers are parasites whose main job is to extract wealth from producers of economic growth and give it to their parasitic cronies who are a drag on the economy. Politicians and bureaucrats also use double-speak to make it seem like what they do contributes to economic growth, when, at best, they manipulate the economy for short-term gains at the expense of long-term growth and economic stability. Currently, we’re on the cusp of an economic collapse not seen since the Great Depression because of:

1. Population declines, 2. Over production of stuff, and 3. Too many parasites and not enough producers.

What will happen? War, famine, collapse of international trade, rise of empires, spheres of influence, and chaos/mayhem.

Thanks, parasites, for killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.

And thanks to JDS for explaining why we’re in one hell of a mess.

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Glad I could help.

For possible scenarios, look back to the Unfolding the World series--there's a series of two or three chapters in that called "Possible Futures" where I talk about the different potential paths forward from here, based on historical analogues.

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Just a quick question…the government’s ability to build infrastructure (road networks, bridges, etc.) seems to fall under the category of creating wealth…producing. So, perhaps a positive contribution of government to the economy?

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So, the argument is that the government can't create wealth because it is not creative. It must, instead, deputize the creativity of others through the redistribution of resources. It seems pedantic, but it's one of those subtle distinctions with huge knock-on effects.

The building of infrastructure *where it's needed and/or useful* (a very important qualifier) has what economists call a "multiplier effect" because the effect of the spending is that it reduces the obstacles to and/or friction involved in wealth creation by the public.

A paved road is more useful than a dirt road--but it isn't just a one-time spending thing. It's an ongoing, rolling maintenance burden (the collected infrastructure maintenance debt in this country is a huge time bomb we're sitting on). However, it is often worth the spend, even over the long-term, because the road facilitates volumes of trade that would otherwise only occur along rivers or railroads (the latter of which are typically privately built/owned).

So, not exactly creating wealth, but certainly facilitating the creation of wealth.

The one place the government arguably DOES create wealth (through deputation of the creative class) is in military research. Rocketry, digital cameras, satellite communications, cell phones, the internet, GPS, fracking, food preservation, and dozens of other things were created BY governments in order to fight wars. The commercialization of these technologies after they are declassified is sometimes called a "peace dividend."

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Wow, we have an almost identical skillset (except I don’t have A/V chops)! I’m curious, how has your situation stabilized since you first wrote this post? I’m in a similar-ish situation now

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Nope. Have drummed up gigs that help, but not stabilized yet.

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I have full confidence that your recent foray into making boutique hand-crafted economy cars will get you through this.

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Restacking. Will look at buying a book or two as well.

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Thank you very much! What kind of stuff do you like to read? I may be able to point you in yhe right direction.

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SF from the 40s through the 80s is my favorite type. Robert Heinlein and Vernor Vinge are 2 of my favorite authors.

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My stuff will be right up your street, then!

For SF that fits that mold, start with either The Resurrection Junket (dark themes) or Hadrian's Flight (rollicking adventure).

For nonfiction, check iut The Secrets if the Heinlein Juvenile

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Aug 13
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Thank you so much!

There seem to be a lot of similarities in our backstories. Always glad to meed a fellow traveler :-)

Have you and/or are you going to restart the farm enterprise? We're starting to spin one up here (mostly subsistence, but we're also eyeing potential commercial angles), and would love to broaden the brain trust.

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