
Another enjoyable post, not the least because I recalled some of my favorite musical and cinematic memories.

Understanding the difference between hero and redeemer seems important for picking ones relationships. Though it seems like generally you'd use your ability to attract and maintain relationships (of any kind) with heros as a good barometer for your own bad-assery, there may be a time and place where one is in need of a redeemer. But I'd think the worst outcomes happen when we either aren't clear on what we want or need or have one expectation of someone who isn't going to give it (either outright refusal or inability)

I know this wasn't a music post but "holding out for a hero" is one of my all time favorite songs. The score to the Last of the Mohicans film is also, one of my all time favorites. (I used to listen to it before SPORTS games...as a TEENAGER, needless to say I had headphones for that one). LOTM also had one of the most intoxicating scenes I've seen on screen.

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Holding Out for a Hero was written by Jim Steinman, whose compositions never failed to be deeply heroic and glorious. As popular as he was, I still think he's one of the most under-rated songwriters of the 20th century.

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